将Anaconda 中新建的虚拟环境添加到Jupyter notebook

news/2024/7/16 7:18:56 标签: jupyter, python, ide

将Anaconda 中新建的虚拟环境添加到Jupyter notebook中1. 激活conda环境

1. 激活已经新建的环境

conda activate (新建的环境名称)

2. 安装ipykernel

 conda install ipykernel

jupyter_clientImportError_cannot_import_name_secure_write_9">3.更新jupyter_client(若报ImportError: cannot import name ‘secure_write’)

pip install --upgrade jupyter_client

4. 将新建的环境环境写入notebook的kernel中

python -m ipykernel install --user --name (新建的环境名称) --display-name “python (新建的环境名称)”

6. 打开notebook

jupyter notebook


jupyter_notebookanaconda_22">8.也可安装conda install nb_conda 来在jupyter notebook中引入anaconda虚拟环境



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