
news/2024/7/16 8:08:24 标签: java, ide, mybatis



【问题标题】:How to fix the major issue in SonarQube "needlessly boxes a boolean constant"如何解决 SonarQube 中的主要问题“不必要地装箱一个布尔常量”


java">private static boolean isNAND(boolean value1, boolean value2) {
        return value1 ? !value2 : Boolean.TRUE;



java">private static boolean isNAND(boolean value1, boolean value2) {
        return value1 ? !value2 : true;



java">private static boolean isNAND(boolean value1, boolean value2) {
        return value1 || !value2;



This method passes a constant literal String of length 1 as a parameter to a method, when a similar method is exposed that takes a char. It is simpler and more expedient to handle one character, rather than a String.

java">String myString = ...
if (myString.indexOf("e") != -1) {
    int i = myString.lastIndexOf("e");
    System.out.println(myString + ":" + i);  //the Java compiler will use a StringBuilder internally here [builder.append(":")]
    return myString.replace("m","z");

Replace the single letter Strings with their char equivalents like so:

java">String myString = ...
if (myString.indexOf("e") != -1) {
    // ==========================
    int i = myString.lastIndexOf('e');
    // ==========================
    System.out.println(myString + ":" + i);  //the Java compiler will use a StringBuilder internally here [builder.append(":")]
    return myString.replace("m","z");


此方法调用在第三方库中找到的方法,该方法似乎与另一个第三方的库不同。当jar包含使用maven shade插件等工具的其他代码时,就会出现这种情况。很可能您希望使用原始jar中的“一流”类,而不是具有着色包结构的类,但是IDE引入了错误的导入。

This method calls a method found in a 3rd-party library, which appears to be shaded from another 3rd-party library. This occurs when a jar includes other code that uses tools like the maven shade plugin. It is likely you wanted to use the “first-class” class from the original jar, rather than the class with the shaded package structure, but your IDE pulled in the wrong import.

  • 问题分析:就是你导入的某个包下的某个方法,可能在第三方jar包中,有重名的,需要你再方法前面拼接一下全方法(类名+方法名)绝对路径
  1. An example might be, you attempted to use a method from the class:
  1. But instead, you import:

4.使用常量索引访问列表或数组(accesses list or array with constant index)

This method accesses an array or list using a constant integer index. Often, this is a typo where a loop variable is intended to be used. If however, specific list indices mean different specific things, then perhaps replacing the list with a first-class object with meaningful accessors would make the code less brittle.



p.setCode((String) fileds[1]);
p.setTitle((String) fileds[2]);
p.setLogo((String) fileds[3]);
p.setMaxBorrowAmt((Integer) fileds[4]);
p.setMinBorrowAmt((Integer) fileds[5]);


Use a final Integer Constant instead

public static final Integer CODE_POSITION = 0;

//other code

p.setCode((String) fileds[CODE_POSITION]);

//rest of the code...


Create Custom Class

public class CustomClass{
private String code;
private String title;
// rest goes here 
//all setter getter 

and then replace method signature List<Object[]> findSomething(); with List<CustomClass> findSomething();

And Access the listItem using below code snap.


5.在使用get()之前,使用containsKey()检查映射(checks a map with containsKey(), before using get())

This method checks for the presence of a key in a map using containsKey(), before attempting to fetch the value of the key using get(). This equates to doing two map lookups in a row. It is much simpler to just fetch the value with get, and checking for non null instead.


As an example, instead of using

java">Map myMap = getSomeMap();
   if (myMap.containsKey("foo")) {
    	String value = myMap.get("foo");

convert this to

java">Map myMap = getSomeMap();
     String value = myMap.get("foo");
    	if (value != null) {

6.以次优方式按条件排序表达式(orders expressions in a conditional in a sub optimal way)


This method builds a conditional expression, for example, in an if or while statement, where the expressions contain both simple local variable comparisons and comparisons on method calls. The expression orders these so that the method calls come before the simple local variable comparisons. This causes method calls to be executed in conditions when they do not need to be, and thus potentially causes a lot of code to be executed for nothing. By ordering the expressions so that the simple conditions containing local variable conditions are first, you eliminate this waste. This assumes that the method calls do not have side effects. If the methods do have side effects, it is probably a better idea to pull these calls out of the condition and execute them first, assigning a value to a local variable. In this way you give a hint that the call may have side effects.


java">if ((calculateHaltingProbability() > 0) && shouldCalcHalting) { }

would be better as

java">if (shouldCalcHalting && (calculateHaltingProbability() > 0) { }







注意:HashMap扩容时,(数据大小 >= 初始化容器的大小的是(默认值16) * 0.75 会进行refresh操作以及数据的移动,影响性能



java">    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
        for (String key : map.keySet()) {


java">    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
            String key = entry.getKey();
            String value = entry.getValue();






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